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Club News

Joe Paul Joins SSWSC as U14 Head Coach


Joe Paul will be joining the SSWSC alpine program as U14 Head Coach. Joe brings a lifelong passion for the sport and a wealth of experience as a coach and leader at Team Gilboa. His athlete-centered approach will be an outstanding addition to our program. His dedication to ski racing was a huge asset to Gilboa and the Central Division and we are very fortunate to be able to welcome Joe to SSWSC. Joe has been actively involved both regionally and nationally on committees and working groups aimed at making the sport of ski racing more accessible. The level of passion and commitment is tremendous to bring to the team here in Steamboat.

Joe’s love for skiing began at the age of three, being picked up from school every Tuesday to go skiing at Welch Village in Minnesota, where his parents were volunteer ski patrollers. Ski racing was a natural way to foster his passion for the sport. Racing through his collegiate years, that passion was redirected into a desire to become a coach. After getting his bachelor’s degree in Exercise and Sport Science with minors in Athletic Coaching and Outdoor Education, Joe began his coaching career for Team Afton in Minnesota, where he coached for nine years. He attended the National Coaches Academy in 2012 and obtained his Level 300 Coaches Certification, finishing top three in that year’s graduating class.

In 2015, Joe was hired by Team Gilboa as their Head FIS coach, and two years later became a co-director of the club while still leading the FIS program. During his tenure with Team Gilboa, Joe qualified athletes to U18 Nationals in four out of six years, highlighted in 2022 by Team Gilboa sending six athletes to the event, the third most of any program from Rocky/Central, behind SSWSC and SSCV. As a program director, Joe was integral in Team Gilboa, being recognized as a Gold Certified Club and a U.S. Ski & Snowboard High Performance Center. Joe has served on the Rocky/Central Regional Committee for the past 13 years, including representing R/C on the Alpine Sport Committee from 2014-2021. Outside of ski racing, Joe is a diehard baseball enthusiast looking forward to the Rockies becoming his second favorite team to the Minnesota Twins.

“My wife Catherine and I (recently married in February) could not be more excited to move to Steamboat. Cat has ties to Steamboat, having lived there for a few years, both when she was young and recently before moving to Minnesota in 2021. As lifelong skiers and outdoor enthusiasts we are so eager to start the next chapter of our lives in a place we have both come to love. I’ve admired the culture and values of SSWSC throughout my career and I am excited to have the opportunity to join the team. Being the U14 Head Coach will provide a great transition at this point in my career to learn and grow with a new age group in such a respected and revered program. I can’t wait to start working with these athletes!”

Joe and his wife are moving to Steamboat on June 1 and he will start with SSWSC June 1. Please join us in welcoming Joe to SSWSC.