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Club News

Athlete News, May 24th, 2018

Cross Country

SSWSC XC athletes, Noel Keeffe, Waverly Gebhardt, and Wyatt Gebahrdt were named to the USSS Cross Country National Elite Group, based on their exceptional results this past season. With this nomination, they are included in several U.S. Ski Team Camps. This affords them the opportunity to train with Olympic Gold Medalist-Jessica Diggins and World Cup Podium Finishers- Sadie Bjornsen, Simi Hamilton, Sophie Caldwell, and Ida Sargent. Not to mention the rest of the talented U.S. Cross Country Team. Presently, Noel and Waverly are joining the U.S. Ski Team for an on snow camp at Mount Bachelor in Bend, OR. Due to school obligations, Wyatt was unable to attend. SSWSC XC Head Coach, Josh Smullin is guiding the pair on this trip. Conditions look perfect for this time of year. They should all gain valuable experience from the camp.