Word of the Week, Determination
For the next two weeks, our athletes will be thinking about how “Determination” can help them achieve their goals! Determination is a firm intention to achieve a desired end, and we will be teaching our athletes about the steps needed to follow through with a goal.
*“Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it.” -T. Alan Armstrong
* It takes determination to achieve your dreams both professionally and personally. If you are told you can’t 100 times, determination will keep you coming back and trying again.
* “Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” - Og Mandino
This week’s athlete who embodies “Determination” is Nordic Combined/Mountain Biking athlete Bennett Gamber. At 17 years old, Bennett has shown in multiple disciplines what putting it all on the table means, and how determination can help you succeed. Regardless of the sport, Bennett tackles every challenge head on.