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Club News

Izzy Powell has a Stand-Out Performance at U.S. Freestyle Moguls Selections at Winter Park

Izzy Powell has a Stand-Out Performance at U.S. Freestyle Moguls Selections at Winter Park
SSWSC freestyle moguls athletes just returned from U.S. Freestyle selections at Winter Park. With NorAm and World Cup spots on the line, nine athletes put in their best effort in singles and duals competitions.

TeamSteam’s singles stand-out performance was Izzy Powell, qualifying 12th and finishing 9th overall in the women’s competition, her highest FIS finish to date. Anabel Ayad qualified 10th and finished 12th. Abby McLarnon earned 22nd, Mia Satkiewicz was 33rd, and Claire Boyle was 48th.

In men’s singles, Jackson True threw down, qualifying 4th and ending up 6th. Xander Tatar-Brown launched his cork 10, qualifying 14th and ending on in 19th. Beck Ward qualified 21st and finished 16th. Liam Siefken, in his first U.S. Selections, finished 38th.

In duals, Abby McLarnon was the high finisher for TeamSteam, landing 16th. Jackson True finished 10th, and Xander Tatar-Brown ended 16th.

Anabel Ayad, Abby McLarnon, Jackson True, Xander Tatar-Brown, and Beck Ward all qualified for NorAm starts, beginning with Deer Valley, February 7-8.

Next up for TeamSteam is the Ski Town USA Rocky Mountain Division Mogul event held right here in Steamboat on Voodoo, January 6-7, 2023.