Youth Development Youth Development Youth Development Youth Development

Recreational Programs

Recreational Programs, ages 11+

Recreational Programs, ages 11+

SSWSC recreational programs are core to the SSWSC mission of developing life skills and growth opportunities through sport. Recreational ski and snowboard programs meet one to three days/week, start later in the winter, and end earlier in the spring. The programs are focused on the social experience, developing responsible mountain users, and continued improvement of skills for enjoyment of the sport.

SSWSC’s recreational programs are intended for athletes who are motivated to be a part of a positive team and participate in SSWSC winter programs. Whether new to town or looking for a program for an athlete’s next step with SSWSC, recreational programs provide multiple options from middle school through high school. These programs can also serve as a stepping stone into more competitive programs or provide an option for athletes participating in other sports during the winter.